
Queuing theory basics part 2: multiple servers

These are my notes for the following three lectures on queueing theory:

Multiple servers, infinite queue (M/M/c)

Consider the case with cc servers and infinite queue capacity. Assume people form a common line and are served by the first available server. Additionally, assume all servers have identical service rate μ\mu.

The effective service rate depends on the number of people in the system. If there are ncn \le c people are in the system, then the service rate is nμn \mu. If there are ncn \ge c people in the system, then all servers are busy, so the service rate is cμc \mu.

Distribution of queue lengths

We can now compute a recurrence similar to the single server case:

pn(t+h)=  P(1 arrival, 0 service)pn1(t)  +P(0 arrival, 1 service)pn+1(t)  +P(0 arrival, 0 service)pn(t)=  λh(1μn1h)pn1(t)  +(1λh)μn+1hpn+1(t)  +(1λh)(1μnh)pn(t)λhpn1(t)+μn+1hpn+1(t)+(1λhμnh)pn(t)    pn(t+h)pn(t)h=λpn1(t)+μn+1pn+1(t)(λ+μn)pn(t). \begin{aligned} p_n(t+h) &=\; P(\text{1 arrival, 0 service}) \cdot p_{n-1}(t)\\ &\;+ P(\text{0 arrival, 1 service}) \cdot p_{n+1}(t)\\ &\;+ P(\text{0 arrival, 0 service}) \cdot p_n(t)\\ &=\; \lambda h \cdot (1 - \mu_{n-1} h) \cdot p_{n-1}(t)\\ &\;+ (1 - \lambda h) \cdot \mu_{n+1} h \cdot p_{n+1}(t)\\ &\;+ (1 - \lambda h) \cdot (1 - \mu_n h) \cdot p_n(t)\\ &\approx \lambda h p_{n-1}(t) + \mu_{n+1} h p_{n+1}(t) + (1 - \lambda h - \mu_n h) p_n(t)\\ \implies \frac{p_n(t+h) - p_n(t)}{h} &= \lambda p_{n-1}(t) + \mu_{n+1} p_{n+1}(t) - (\lambda + \mu_n) p_n(t). \end{aligned}

At steady-state, the distribution is time-independent, so pn(t+h)pn(t)h=0\frac{p_n(t+h) - p_n(t)}{h} = 0. Thus

λpnn+1+μn+1pn+1=(λ+μn)pn. \lambda p_n{n+1} + \mu_{n+1} p_{n+1} = (\lambda + \mu_n) p_n.

Similarly, we find μ1p1=λp0\mu_1 p_1 = \lambda p_0 (or p1=λμ1p0p_1 = \frac{\lambda}{\mu_1} p_0). Now

λp0+μ2p2=(λ+μ1)p1=λp1+μ1p1=λp1+λp0    μ2p2=λp1    p2=λμ2p1. \begin{aligned} \lambda p_0 + \mu_2 p_2 = (\lambda + \mu_1) p_1 = \lambda p_1 + \mu_1 p_1 = \lambda p_1 + \lambda p_0\\ \implies \mu_2 p_2 = \lambda p_1 \implies p_2 = \frac{\lambda}{\mu_2} p_1. \end{aligned}

The recurrence continues similarly:

pn=λni=1nμip0={ρnn!p0 if ncρnc!cncp0 if nc. p_n = \frac{\lambda^n}{\prod_{i=1}^n \mu_i} p_0 = \begin{cases} \frac{\rho^n}{n!} p_0 &\text{ if } n \le c\\ \frac{\rho^n}{c! c^{n-c}} p_0 &\text{ if } n \ge c \end{cases}.

Now we can compute p0p_0:

1=n0pn=n=0c1ρnn!p0+ncρnc!cncp0=p0(n=0c1ρnn!+ρcc!11ρ/c)    p0=(n=0c1ρnn!+ρcc!11ρ/c)1. \begin{aligned} 1 = \sum_{n \ge 0} p_n = \sum_{n=0}^{c-1} \frac{\rho^n}{n!} p_0 + \sum_{n \ge c} \frac{\rho^n}{c!c^{n-c}} p_0 = p_0 \left( \sum_{n=0}^{c-1} \frac{\rho^n}{n!} + \frac{\rho^c}{c!} \frac{1}{1-\rho/c} \right)\\ \implies p_0 = \left( \sum_{n=0}^{c-1} \frac{\rho^n}{n!} + \frac{\rho^c}{c!} \frac{1}{1-\rho/c} \right)^{-1}. \end{aligned}

Expected queue length and wait time

There are only people waiting if there are ncn \ge c people in the system, so the expected number of people waiting is

Lq=nc(nc)pn=n0npn+c=n1nρn+cc!cnp0=p0ρc+1c!cn1nρn1cn1=p0ρc+1c!cdd(ρ/c)n1ρncn=p0ρc+1c!cdd(ρ/c)(11ρ/c1)=p0ρc+1c!c(1(1ρ/c)2)=p0ρc+1(c1)!(cρ)2. \begin{aligned} L_q &= \sum_{n \ge c} (n-c) p_n = \sum_{n \ge 0} n p_{n+c} = \sum_{n \ge 1} n \frac{\rho^{n+c}}{c! c^n} p_0\\ &= \frac{p_0 \rho^{c+1}}{c! c} \sum_{n \ge 1} n \frac{\rho^{n-1}}{c^{n-1}}\\ &= \frac{p_0 \rho^{c+1}}{c! c} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} (\rho/c)} \sum_{n \ge 1} \frac{\rho^n}{c^n}\\ &= \frac{p_0 \rho^{c+1}}{c! c} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} (\rho/c)} \left(\frac{1}{1-\rho/c} - 1\right)\\ &= \frac{p_0 \rho^{c+1}}{c! c} \left( \frac{1}{(1-\rho/c)^2} \right)\\ &= \frac{p_0 \rho^{c+1}}{(c-1)!(c-\rho)^2}. \end{aligned}

A similar calculation can be carried out for the expected number of people in the system, Ls=Lq+ρL_s = L_q + \rho. With these, can can again calculate the expected wait time and service time using Little's law:

Lq=λWq,Ls=λWs. L_q = \lambda W_q, \qquad L_s = \lambda W_s.

In the case of multiple servers, the calculation of utilization is more complicated. It can be thought of as the average probability that any one server is busy, assuming people are uniformly distributed across servers. That is,

U=n=0c1ncpn+ncpn=ρc. U = \sum_{n=0}^{c-1} \frac{n}{c} p_n + \sum_{n \ge c} p_n = \frac{\rho}{c}.

As before, we can plot the latency with respect to utilization:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import factorial

def plot_latency(c, **kwargs):
   rho = np.linspace(0, c, 1000)
   p0 = 1/(sum(rho**n/factorial(n) for n in range(0, c)) +
   utilization = rho/c
   latency = p0*rho**c/(factorial(c-1)*(c-rho)**2) + 1
   plt.plot(utilization, latency, label=f'{c} servers', **kwargs)

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))
plt.ylim(0, 10)
for c, alpha in [(2, 0.25), (8, 0.5), (32, 0.75), (128, 1.0)]:
   plot_latency(c, alpha=alpha, color='blue')

Utilization vs. latency for multiple servers. Vertical asymptote at 100% utilization. Latency increases more rapidly with fewer servers.

We can also plot the latency with respect to the arrival rate, holding the service rate fixed. So long as λcμ\lambda \le c \mu, the arrival rate is equal to the throughput of the system (if λ>cμ\lambda > c \mu, the queue will grow indefinitely). This demonstrates that adding more servers reduces the latency:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import factorial

rho = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
def plot_latency(c, **kwargs):
   p0 = 1/(sum(rho**n/factorial(n) for n in range(0, c)) +
   latency = p0*rho**c/(factorial(c-1)*(c-rho)**2) + 1
   plt.plot(rho, latency, label=f'{c} servers', **kwargs)

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))
plt.ylim(0, 10)

Throughput vs. latency for multiple servers. With more servers, higher throughput can be sustained at a given latency.

Multiple servers, finite queue (M/M/c/N)

Consider a finite queue of capacity NN feeding into cc servers, where people arrive at rate λ\lambda and each server has rate μ\mu. In the following, assume N>cN > c.

Distribution of queue lengths

The recurrence for the distribution over the number of people in the system is the same as the M/M/1/N queue:

pn={ρnn!p0 if ncρnc!cncp0 if nc. p_n = \begin{cases} \frac{\rho^n}{n!} p_0 &\text{ if } n \le c\\ \frac{\rho^n}{c!c^{n-c}} p_0 &\text{ if } n \ge c \end{cases}.

We can now compute the probability that there are 0 people in the system:

1=n=0Npn=n=0c1ρnn!+n=cNρnc!cncp0=p0(n=0c1ρnn!+ρcc!1(ρ/c)Nc+11ρ/c)    p0=(n=0c1ρnn!+ρcc!1(ρ/c)Nc+11ρ/c)1. \begin{aligned} 1 = \sum_{n=0}^N p_n &= \sum_{n=0}^{c-1} \frac{\rho^n}{n!} + \sum_{n=c}^N \frac{\rho^n}{c!c^{n-c}} p_0\\ &= p_0 \left( \sum_{n=0}^{c-1} \frac{\rho^n}{n!} + \frac{\rho^c}{c!} \cdot \frac{1 - (\rho/c)^{N-c+1}}{1 - \rho/c} \right)\\ \implies p_0 &= \left( \sum_{n=0}^{c-1} \frac{\rho^n}{n!} + \frac{\rho^c}{c!} \cdot \frac{1 - (\rho/c)^{N-c+1}}{1 - \rho/c} \right)^{-1}. \end{aligned}

Expected queue length and wait times

We can compute the expected queue length similar to the M/M/c case:

Lq=n=cN(nc)pn=n=0Ncnpn+c=n=0Ncnρn+cc!cnp0=ρc+1p0(c1)!1(ρ/c)Nc+1(Nc+1)(1ρ/c)(ρ/c)Nc(cρ)2. \begin{aligned} L_q &= \sum_{n=c}^N (n-c) p_n = \sum_{n=0}^{N-c} n p_{n+c} = \sum_{n=0}^{N-c} n \frac{\rho^{n+c}}{c!c^n} p_0\\ &= \frac{\rho^{c+1} p_0}{(c-1)!} \cdot \frac{1 - (\rho/c)^{N-c+1} - (N-c+1)(1-\rho/c)(\rho/c)^{N-c}}{(c-\rho)^2}. \end{aligned}

And the expected number of people in the system:

Ls=n=0Nnpn=p0ρn=0c2ρnn!+p0ρcc!(c1(ρ/c)Nc+11ρ/c+ρc1(ρ/c)Nc+1(Nc+1)(1ρ/c)(ρ/c)Nc(1ρ/c)2). \begin{aligned} L_s &= \sum_{n=0}^N n p_n\\ &= p_0 \rho \sum_{n=0}^{c-2} \frac{\rho^n}{n!} + \frac{p_0 \rho^c}{c!} \bigg( c \frac{1 - (\rho/c)^{N-c+1}}{1-\rho/c}\\ &\qquad+ \frac{\rho}{c} \frac{1 - (\rho/c)^{N-c+1} - (N-c+1)(1-\rho/c)(\rho/c)^{N-c}}{(1-\rho/c)^2} \bigg). \end{aligned}

The probability that the queue is full and thus someone is rejected is pN=ρNc!cNcp0p_N = \frac{\rho^N}{c!c^{N-c}} p_0. As with the M/M/1/N queue, there is an effective arrival rate λeff=λ(1pN)\lambda_\text{eff} = \lambda (1-p_N), from which we can derive the service and wait times Ws=Ls/λeffW_s = L_s/\lambda_\text{eff} and Wq=Lq/λeffW_q = L_q/\lambda_\text{eff}.


Here is a Jupyter notebook simulating a single- and multiple-server infinite queue: