
Queuing theory basics part 1: single server

These are my notes for the following three lectures on queueing theory:

In a queueing model, people arrive at the queue, wait in line, and then are serviced by a server. There may be a single server or multiple servers (sharing a single line). The queue capacity may be finite or infinite. In a finite queue, people may be unable to join the queue if it is full.

Arrivals and servers are each modeled by a distribution over their rates.

In the following, we will assume that arrivals and servers follow a Poisson and exponential distribution, respectively. These two distributions are memoryless, meaning that arrivals are independent of one another, as are service times. Note that if we have an infinite queue capacity and λ>μ\lambda > \mu, then the queue will grow indefinitely.

The queueing discipline determines which person in line gets serviced next. An example queueing discipline is first-in, first-out (FIFO), where people are serviced in the order in which they arrive. Steady-state behavior is often the same regardless of queueing discipline. In the following, we will assume a FIFO queueing discipline.


Queues can be specified in Kendall's notation. The notation is A/S/c/K/N/D, where

For example, a M/M/1/∞/∞/FIFO queue is a memoryless queue with 1 server, infinite queue capacity, infinite population, and FIFO queueing discipline. If unspecified, we assume K/N/D is ∞/∞/FIFO. For example, M/M/1 = M/M/1/∞/∞/FIFO.

Single server, infinite queue (M/M/1)

Let's consider the case of a queue with infinite capacity and a single server. Assume that arrivals are Poisson distributed with rate λ\lambda and service times are exponentially distributed with rate μ\mu.

Distribution of queue lengths

In a Poisson distribution, no two events occur at the same instant. Let hh be an infinitesimal interval in which exactly 0 or 1 event occurs.

Let pn(t)p_n(t) to be the probability that nn people are in the system (waiting in line or being serviced) at time tt. Then

pn(t+h)=  P(1 arrival, 0 service)pn1(t)+P(0 arrival, 1 service)pn+1(t)+P(0 arrival, 0 service)pn(t). \begin{aligned} p_n(t+h) =\; &P(\text{1 arrival, 0 service}) \cdot p_{n-1}(t)\\ + &P(\text{0 arrival, 1 service}) \cdot p_{n+1}(t)\\ + &P(\text{0 arrival, 0 service}) \cdot p_n(t). \end{aligned}

As hh is defined to be the interval in which at most 1 event occurs, there is no P(1 arrival, 1 service)pn(t)P(\text{1 arrival, 1 service}) \cdot p_n(t) term.

In a Poisson distribution, the probability of kk events occurring in an interval τ\tau is

P(k events in interval τ)=f(k;τ)=eλτ(λτ)kk!. P(k \text{ events in interval } \tau) = f(k; \tau) = e^{\lambda \tau} \frac{(\lambda \tau)^k}{k!}.

This distribution has mean E[k]=k0kf(k;τ)=λτE[k] = \sum_{k \ge 0} k f(k; \tau) = \lambda \tau. As we have defined hh to be an interval with at most 1 event,

P(1 event)=0P(0 events)+1P(1 event)=Ef(k;h)[k]=λh P(1 \text{ event}) = 0 \cdot P(0 \text{ events}) + 1 \cdot P(1 \text{ event}) = E_{f(k; h)}[k] = \lambda h


pn(t+h)=  λh(1μh)pn1(t)+(1λh)μhpn+1(t)+(1λh)(1μh)pn(t). \begin{aligned} p_n(t+h) =\; &\lambda h \cdot (1 - \mu h) \cdot p_{n-1}(t)\\ + &(1 - \lambda h) \cdot \mu h \cdot p_{n+1}(t)\\ + &(1 - \lambda h) \cdot (1 - \mu h) \cdot p_n(t). \end{aligned}

To first order in h,

pn(t+h)λhpn1(t)+μhpn+1(t)+(1λhμh)pn(t), p_n(t+h) \approx \lambda h p_{n-1}(t) + \mu h p_{n+1}(t) + (1 - \lambda h - \mu h) p_n(t),


pn(t+h)pn(t)h=λpn1(t)+μpn+1(t)(λ+μ)pn(t). \frac{p_n(t+h) - p_n(t)}{h} = \lambda p_{n-1}(t) + \mu p_{n+1}(t) - (\lambda + \mu) p_n(t).

At steady state, we expect a unchanging distribution of queue lengths, so

0=pn(t+h)pn(t)h    λpn1+μpn+1=(λ+μ)pn.(1) 0 = \frac{p_n(t+h) - p_n(t)}{h} \implies \lambda p_{n-1} + \mu p_{n+1} = (\lambda + \mu) p_n. \qquad{(1)}

When the queue is empty, no service occurs ( P(0 service)=1P(\text{0 service}) = 1), so

p0(t+h)=P(0 arrivals, 1 service)p1(t)+P(0 arrivals, 0 service)p0(t)=(1λh)μhp1(t)+(1λh)1p0(t)μhp1(t)+(1λh)p0(t). \begin{aligned} p_0(t+h) &= P(\text{0 arrivals, 1 service}) \cdot p_1(t) + P(\text{0 arrivals, 0 service}) \cdot p_0(t)\\ &= (1 - \lambda h) \cdot \mu h \cdot p_1(t) + (1 - \lambda h) \cdot 1 \cdot p_0(t)\\ &\approx \mu h \cdot p_1(t) + (1 - \lambda h) p_0(t). \end{aligned}

Hence, at steady state,

0=p0(t+h)p0(t)h=μp1(t)λp0(t)    μp1=λp0.(2) 0 = \frac{p_0(t+h) - p_0(t)}{h} = \mu p_1(t) - \lambda p_0(t) \implies \mu p_1 = \lambda p_0. \qquad{(2)}

By (1) ( n=1n=1 ) and (2),

λp0+μp2=(λ+μ)p1=λp1+μp1=λp1+λp0    p2=λμp1=(λμ)2p0. \begin{aligned} &\lambda p_0 + \mu p_2 = (\lambda + \mu) p_1 = \lambda p_1 + \mu p_1 = \lambda p_1 + \lambda p_0\\ &\implies p_2 = \frac{\lambda}{\mu} p_1 = \left(\frac{\lambda}{\mu}\right)^2 p_0. \end{aligned}

Let ρ=λμ\rho = \frac{\lambda}{\mu}. By a similar argument, pn=ρnp0p_n = \rho^n p_0 for all n1n \ge 1. As this is a probability distribution,

1=n0pn=p0n0ρn=p011ρ    p0=1ρ. 1 = \sum_{n \ge 0} p_n = p_0 \sum_{n \ge 0} \rho^n = p_0 \cdot \frac{1}{1-\rho} \implies p_0 = 1 - \rho.


pn=ρnp0=ρn(1ρ).(3) p_n = \rho^n p_0 = \rho^n (1 - \rho). \qquad{(3)}

Expected queue length and wait time

Using the distribution of the number of people in the system (3), we can derive the expected number of people in the system (recall that ρ=λμ\rho = \frac{\lambda}{\mu}):

Ls=Ep[n]=n0nρn(1ρ)=(1ρ)ρn1nρn1=(1ρ)ρddρn1ρn=(1ρ)ρddρ11ρ=(1ρ)ρ1(1ρ)2=ρ1ρ. \begin{aligned} L_s = E_p[n] &= \sum_{n \ge 0} n \rho^n (1-\rho)\\ &= (1-\rho) \rho \sum_{n \ge 1} n \rho^{n-1}\\ &= (1-\rho) \rho \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}\rho} \sum_{n \ge 1} \rho^n = (1-\rho) \rho \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}\rho} \frac{1}{1-\rho}\\ &= (1-\rho) \rho \frac{1}{(1-\rho)^2} = \frac{\rho}{1-\rho}. \end{aligned}

The expected number of people being serviced is the expected proportion of time the system is nonempty, i.e., 1p0=1(1ρ)=ρ1 - p_0 = 1 - (1-\rho) = \rho. Thus the expected number of people waiting to be serviced is Lq=LsρL_q = L_s - \rho.

The expected time spent in the system (including time being serviced) is related to the queue length by Little's law: Ls=λWsL_s = \lambda W_s. A similar relation applies to the expected time spent waiting to be serviced: Lq=λWqL_q = \lambda W_q.

The utilization is the probability that the server is busy:

U=1p0=1(1ρ)=ρ. U = 1 - p_0 = 1 - (1 - \rho) = \rho.

If we plot the service time (i.e., latency) with respect to utilization, we see that it begins increasing rapidly around U=0.8U=0.8:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

rho = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
latency = 1/(1-rho)

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))
plt.ylim(0, 10)
plt.plot(rho, latency)

Utilization vs. latency for M/M/1 queue

Single server, finite queue (M/M/1/N)

The recurrence for pn=ρnp0,nNp_n = \rho^n p_0, n \le N remains the same, and we can use it to compute p0p_0:

1=n=0Npn=n=0Nρnp0=p01ρN+11ρ    p0=1ρ1ρN+1. \begin{aligned} 1 = \sum_{n=0}^N p_n = \sum_{n=0}^N \rho^n p_0 = p_0 \cdot \frac{1-\rho^{N+1}}{1-\rho}\\ \implies p_0 = \frac{1-\rho}{1-\rho^{N+1}}. \end{aligned}

With this, we can compute the expected number of people in the system:

Ls=n=0Nnpn=n=0Nnρnp0=p0ρn=0Nnρn1=p0ρddρn=0Nρn=p0ρddρ1ρN+11ρ=p0ρ1+NρN+1(N+1)ρ(1ρ)2. \begin{aligned} L_s &= \sum_{n=0}^N n p_n = \sum_{n=0}^N n \rho^n p_0 = p_0 \rho \sum_{n=0}^N n \rho^{n-1} = p_0 \rho \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}\rho} \sum_{n=0}^N \rho^n\\ &= p_0 \rho \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}\rho} \frac{1-\rho^{N+1}}{1-\rho} = p_0 \rho \cdot \frac{1 + N \rho^{N+1} - (N+1) \rho}{(1-\rho)^2}. \end{aligned}

A similar calculation may be performed for LqL_q, or we can reason through it as follows: As people are unable to join the queue when it is full, there is an effective arrival rate λeff<λ\lambda_\text{eff} < \lambda. A person may only join the queue if there are fewer than NN others in the system, which happens with probability 1pN1-p_N. Thus λeff=λ(1pN)\lambda_\text{eff} = \lambda (1 - p_N). From this, we can compute the expected queue length, service time, and wait time:

Lq=Lsλeffμ,Ws=Lsλeff,Wq=Lqλeff. L_q = L_s - \frac{\lambda_\text{eff}}{\mu}, \qquad W_s = \frac{L_s}{\lambda_\text{eff}}, \qquad W_q = \frac{L_q}{\lambda_\text{eff}}.

Continued in part 2...