
Onsite backups with zrepl

For some time I've been using a homegrown solution for onsite backups. It works fine, but required me to manually prune old snapshots periodically. Rather than extend my script to support pruning, I decided to use a prebuilt solution.

zrepl is a tool that handles periodic snapshotting, sending snapshots to other zpools (possibly remote), and pruning old snapshots. It does exactly what I needed, and more.


For Arch Linux users, a package for zrepl is available in the AUR. For other distributions, see the documentation.

cd aur
auracle download -r zrepl
cd zrepl
less PKGBUILD  # Always inspect AUR packages!
makepkg -sic


On my system, I have my root filesystem in the dataset zroot/ROOT/default, a HDD-backed zpool named slow, and a dataset containing lectures and other large media files at slow/bulk. I configured zrepl to back up the root dataset to slow/zrepl and take a daily snapshot of slow/bulk.

# /etc/zrepl/zrepl.yml

    - type: syslog
      format: human
      level: warn

  # Periodically send a snapshot of the root filesystem to slow/zrepl.
  - name: zroot_to_slow
    type: push
      type: local
      # Must match listener_name from sink below.
      listener_name: slow_zrepl_sink
      # A name for the system being backed up. I called it `local` because
      # there's only one system involved. The hostname would also be fine.
      client_identity: local
      "zroot/ROOT/default": true
      type: periodic
      prefix: zrepl_
      interval: 1h
        - type: not_replicated
        - type: regex
          # Keep snapshots not created by zrepl
          negate: true
          regex: "^zrepl_.*"
        - type: grid
          # Hourly for a day
          # Daily for 6 months
          # Weekly for 2 years
          # Monthly for 10 years
          grid: 1x1d(keep=all) | 180x1d | 104x1w | 120x30d
          regex: "^zrepl_.*"

  # This is the dataset where the snapshots are sent to.
  - name: slow_zrepl_sink
    type: sink
      type: local
      # Must match listener_name from push above.
      listener_name: slow_zrepl_sink
    root_fs: slow/zrepl
        encryption: inherit

  # Take a daily snapshot of slow/bulk.
  - name: snapshot_bulk
    type: snap
      "slow/bulk": true
      type: periodic
      prefix: zrepl_
      interval: 24h
        - type: grid
          # Daily for 6 months
          # Weekly for 2 years
          # Monthly for 10 years
          grid: 180x1d | 104x1w | 120x30d
          regex: "^zrepl_.*"
        - type: regex
          # Keep snapshots not created by zrepl
          negate: true
          regex: "^zrepl_.*"

Starting the service

First, create the destination dataset:

sudo zfs create -o readonly=on -o mountpoint=none slow/zrepl

Start zrepl:

sudo systemctl enable --now zrepl.service

Wait until the first snapshot is sent:

sudo zrepl status

Give the destination dataset a mountpoint so you can easily access its snapshots:

sudo zfs set mountpoint=/slow/zrepl slow/zrepl/local/zroot/ROOT/default

You should now be able to access the snapshots at /slow/zrepl/.zfs/snapshot/zrepl_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_000. Note that the .zfs directory is hidden by default, so you must navigate to it directly.